Volume 1 Number 1 – July/August 1974  Published Bi-Monthly by National Periodical Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 116 Radio City Station, New York, N.Y. 10019 Copyright 1974 by NPP, Single Copies $1.50.  Orders for issue #2 now being accepted.  TARZAN is a copyrighted character of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.

Cover: Infantino sketch of floating heads of DC characters he has rendered over the years (Index on Page 45) – Inside Cover:  B&W pic of George (Superman) Reeves hoisting Noel Neill  up with one arm in the wardrobe room, Early 1955 – Back Cover:  Hawkman & Hawkwoman sketch by Joe Kubert – Inside Back Cover:  Amazing World of Puzzles by Bob Rozakis (word search of 55 titles of DC books, past & present).

Table of Contents

The Celebrated Mr. K:  Joe Kubert, by Guy H. Lillian III – Page 2
Interview with Joe Kubert conducted in his Dover, NJ home.  Nice article spanning his whole career up to that point

Direct Currents – Page 10
July & August coming attractions

Wonder Woman:  TV Super-Agent, by Carl Gafford – Page 17
Article on the ABC Tuesday Movie of the Week, featuring Cathy Lee Crosby as WW – it was an interesting take on WW with a completely different costume (Long sleeved red miniskirted tunic with blue arms w/stars, eagle above the left breast, bracelets, blue hose & I think blue or red boots) but same basic details of WW.

The Adventures of Superman, By Allan Asherman – Page 19
Overview of the classic television series & two George Reeves movies it spawned.

Meet the Woodchucks – Page 23
No explanation of what the woodchucks were - but it was essentially the staff of this book, referred to as "Junior Woodchucks" - but a page short bios and their pics appears here.

The Shadow Center Spread, by Mike Kaluta – Page 24
Unused Shadow cover – neat!

Remembering, by Allan Asherman – Page 26
Sol Harrison talks about the beginnings of DC Comics

In Memoriam: Bill Finger, by E. Nelson Bridwell – Page 28
A Very short bio about the late, great Mr. Finger (I’m sure ENB wanted to do longer but, as most of us are aware from the articles in CBA, was not allowed to) on a tombstone with a Dick Giordano rendering of Batman at the gravesite.

Sergio Takes a Look at DC, by Sergio Aragones – Page 29
One panel gags from Sergio about the artists & editor happenings around the DC offices.

The Letter Column All Stars of Tomorrow? by Bob Rozakis – Page 30
Bob’s take on letter writers, who might become the All Stars of Tomorrow starting the way he did – writing letters.

Yesteryear, by E. Nelson Bridwell – Page 32
30, 20 & 10 years ago retrospective.

“Murder, Inc.”, by Jack Kirby and Mike Royer – Page 33
Unpublished 10 page story from the also unpublished second issue of "In the Days of the Mob".

How a Comic Book is Created, by Paul Levitz – Page 43
Beginning with this section on the Editorial decisions around the office, an in-depth series accounting starting a comic or a story from start to finish.

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s… Superman in Technicolor, by Steve Mitchell – Page 46
Wonderful retrospective & index of the Fleischer cartoons a few still from the flicks, too!